Latest articles in category Career
Your Career is Your Responsibility
I firmly believe that you are the one responsible for where you…
4 Colors of the Project Manager – Choose Yours to Fight Deadlines
I've recently read a book of Thomas Erikson "Surrounded by Idiots" and…
50 Shades Of Project Manager: Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career
I started my Project Management career in IT in 2015. Before that,…
Roadmap To Professional Scrum Master Certification
During the last couple of years, I added management of software development…
5 Reasons Why You Should Change Jobs More Often
It is a widespread belief among employers, recruiters, and employees that people…
Targeted Education
I have recently arrived to 2 conclusions. Number One. It is important…
Responsibility By Default
Are we assuming responsibility by default? When you are assigned a role:…
Project Management Feature
Wouldn't the world be a better place if all people had a…