Working With Customers
I love working with Customers. In some cases they are amazing, often…
The Importance Of Saying “Thank you”
Always remember to show gratitude to the people you work with. Not…
Good Is Better Than Perfect
Whatever you do does not have to be perfect, but it has…
Start Saying “NO”
Remember this film 🎥 called „Yes Man” with Jim Carrey? Funny comedy…
Participant Or Spectator?
Management is an interesting thing. Stuff gets done only when you and…
Keep Experimenting
There is no single approach in project management which fits each team,…
As Long As You Are Getting Paid?
Often I hear comments like "Ana, are you getting paid for that?"…
“Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers
The book is amazing! It takes you into the entrepreneurship world and…
If You Ever Get Angry
Never ever allow yourself to get overwhelmed with feelings and act upon…