Servant Leadership Is Powerful
There was a time when I was reporting to senior managers during the project implementation. Now people report to me and I manage multiple teams. That transition was a milestone…
The Beauty Of Growth
The beauty of personal growth and career development is when your projects and assignments are harder than your current skillset. That is the formula, which I tested on my own…
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal
I think we are always learning in one way or another from other people. Some people serve as an example of what NOT to do - so you learn from…
Understood Means Executed
Have you ever had situations when people don't follow the instructions? You have organized a meeting, you have explained and walked the team through the process, you prepared documentation... and…
Discussio Mater Veritas Est
It's good to have conversations and discussions with people who have a different point of view than you. I think it is not even just good - it is most…
Managing By Deadlines
When working in project environment, you act in a non-isolated environment. You have many different departments and teams. You don't act alone. Even if you deliver some of your own…
Do Your Have a Plan B?
Quite often when you run projects certain situations happen, which present a risk of not achieving the deadline. And often you have only one plan how to achieve that deadline.…
Plan Is Nothing, Planning Is Everything
I've been working for quite a while already in project management, in both so called, "waterfall" and "agile software development" projects and again and again I see value in planning.…
To Improve Is To Change, To Be Perfect Is To Change Often…
It has been one week since I started a new job, almost one year since I changed my last job and again extended my career horizon. It is fascinating how…
Purpose Unites People
Ever since I started to work in projects, I saw in practice how important it is to have a goal, a purpose in whatever you do. It doesn't matter if…