Covid-19 Lockdown – This is Also an Opportunity

Despite the fact that there is a global virus 🦠 which is drastically changing the way we used to live and work, I see it as an opportunity. And if

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Map Is Not The Territory

The difference between theory and practice is in practice. Recently I am reading a lot on the topic of Agile and Agile Project Management. There is a lot of emphasis

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Know Your Why

If you don’t know what you want - you will do what others want you to do. As simple as that. This should be a minimum sufficient reason to figure

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Appetite Comes With Eating

What is more relevant: goal or the journey towards this goal? Deadlines create a sense of urgency and craft the purpose. The goal is something concrete, tangible, and feels more

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Work And Study Balance

It is an absolute must to keep developing personally and professionally. But when can we find time for it if managing projects and teams consumes all available slots? As Managers

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Talk Facts and They Will Listen

There is something I had to learn the hard way. This is about being able to base your feedback and call for action on pure facts. This is why meeting

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Working With Customers

I love working with Customers. In some cases they are amazing, often demanding and sometimes complicated. But let’s face it - they are in the core of any business. Whom

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

The Importance Of Saying “Thank you”

Always remember to show gratitude to the people you work with. Not only for some major achievements or results but for smaller things on a daily basis. "Thank You" -

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Good Is Better Than Perfect

Whatever you do does not have to be perfect, but it has to be good enough to move ahead. Time is always the limit. What is important now, might not

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Start Saying “NO”

Remember this film 🎥 called „Yes Man” with Jim Carrey? Funny comedy about saying “Yes!” to everything and everyone! I am a full supporter of saying “ Yes!” to almost

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak